- Thomas was a disciple of Jesus. He was also known as Didymus, which means The Twin. The disciples were a group of people picked by Jesus to work with him during his ministry (for image of disciples see Disciples). They were an odd mix of men from different places and with various jobs and skills. After Jesus ascended into heaven, they went out into the world to share his message.
- This part of Thomas' story is found in Acts, chapter 1, verses 1 to 14.
- Thomas appears in our Babble.on, Ballyhoo! and Go FIsh games.
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- When Jesus learnt that his friend Lazarus had died, it was Thomas who urged the disciples to go with Jesus to help the family. The disciples did not want to go to Bethany because the last time they were in Judea, some people had tried to stone Jesus. At Bethany, Jesus took the opportunity to demonstrate his power over death by bringing Lazarus back to life (see Mary & Martha for an image of Lazarus).
- This part of Thomas' story is found in John, chapter 11, verses 1 to 16.
- Stones are also found in the stories of David's fight with Goliath, both Aachan's and Stephen's cruel deaths and Joshua trapping the five kings in the cave.
- Stones appear in our Scramble and Numbers games.
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- When Jesus tried to explain to the disciples that he was going to prepare a heavenly home for his followers, and that one day they would join him there, it was Thomas who asked him for more information.
- This part of Thomas' story is found in John, chapter 14, verses 1 to 7.
- Special homes are also found in the stories of Elijah and the widow's flour, David's care for Jonathan's disabled son and Jesus' arrival at Jairus' house.
- Special homes do not appear in any Lootro game yet but watch this space for news.
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Upper room
- After Jesus had risen from the dead, he appeared to the disciples gathered in the house. Thomas was not there at the time and would not believe that Jesus was alive unless he could see Jesus for himself. One week later, Jesus appeared again and invited Thomas to touch the holes that the nails had made in his hands and the spear mark in his side. Thomas recognised Jesus straight away and believed.
- This part of Thomas' story is found in John, chapter 20, verses 19 to 28.
- The disciples are also found gathered in a room together in the stories of the last supper and the arrival of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
- The upper room does not appear in any Lootro games yet but watch this space for news.
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