- Sarah (also known as Sarai) was Abraham's wife. Along with Abraham's family, she set off on a long journey from Ur to a land that God had promised them (see Abraham for image of Abraham).
- This part of Sarah's story is found in Genesis, chapter 12, verses 1 to 9.
- Sarah appears in our Babble.on, Ballyhoo! and Bible Belles games.
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- When Sarah was young, she was very beautiful. While they were in Egypt, Abraham told people that Sarah was his sister in case someone might kill him out of jealousy. Pharaoh wanted Sarah for a wife but told them both to leave the country when he discovered the truth.
- This part of Sarah's story is found in Genesis, chapter 12, verses 10 to 20.
- Pharaoh is also found in the stories of baby Moses' escape, Moses and the terrible plagues and Joseph's dreams.
- Pharaoh does not appear in any Lootro game yet but watch this space for news.
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- One day, three strangers turned up at their camp. Abraham invited them to stay and Sarah prepared a meal for them (see Rachel & Leah for image of fruit and nuts, see Zacchaeus for image of bread and wine). The strangers turned out to be messengers, sent from God, with a special message that Sarah was to have a baby.
- This part of Sarah's story is found in Genesis, chapter 18, verses 1 to 10.
- Banquets are also found in the stories of Belshazzar's disrupted feast, Abigail's plea to David and Queen Vashti's defiance of King Xerxes.
- Banquets do not appear in any Lootro games yet but watch this space for news.
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- Sarah was listening from the door of the tent to the visitor's conversation with Abraham. She laughed when she heard the news because she thought she was too old to have children. She was surprised but delighted when she later gave birth to baby Isaac.
- This part of Sarah's story is found in Genesis, chapter 18, verses 10 to 15.
- Tents are also found in the stories of Laban searching for the family idols, Jael's execution of Sisera and Achan's hidden treasure.
- Tents do not appear in any Lootro games yet but watch this space for news.
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