Baby Jesus
- Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem because there was no room for him in the inn. Mary and Joseph had traveled to Joseph's home town of Bethlehem to take part in a census, and the town was very busy. Mary wrapped the baby up and placed him in a manger which was normally used for feeding animals.
- This part of baby Jesus' story is found in Luke, chapter 2, verses 1 to 7.
- Mangers are also found in the story of Isaiah's vision.
- The manger will appear in our Festive 2by2 game.
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- In the hills above Bethlehem there was a group of shepherds watching their sheep. An angel appeared telling them about a special baby born in the town nearby. Suddenly, the whole sky was filled with angels praising God. The shepherds rushed off to Bethlehem to see for themselves and were baby Jesus' first visitors.
- This part of baby Jesus' story is found in Luke, chapter 2, verses 8 to 20.
- Shepherds are also found in the stories of Abraham's quarrel with his nephew Lot, Moses meeting Zipporah at the well, King Asa's raid and Jesus' parable about the Good Shepherd.
- Shepherds will appear in our Festive 2by2 game.
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- Before Jesus was born, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary with the special news that she would have a baby. Gabriel had earlier appeared to Zechariah, Elizabeth's husband, to tell him about their baby John. An angel also appeared to Joseph to explain to him what was happening to Mary. Joseph agreed to marry Mary as promised and to look after the baby.
- This part of baby Jesus' story is found in Matthew, chapter 1, verses 18 to 25.
- Angels are also found in the stories of Balaam's talking donkey, Jacob's dream of a ladder, Jacob's wrestling match and Daniel's friends in the fiery furnace.
- Angels appear in our Babble.on and Numbers games.
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Wise Men
- Wise Men from the east saw a special star in the sky and followed it to Bethlehem. On route they called with King Herod who was not pleased to hear about a new king being born. The Wise Men presented gifts to baby Jesus of god, frankincense and myrrh then returned home a different way to avoid Herod.
- This part of Jesus story is found in Matthew, chapter 2, verses 1 to 12.
- Wise men are also found in the story of Moses' petition to Pharaoh, Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams and Daniel's interpretation of both Nebuchadnezzar's and Belshazzar's dreams.
- The Wise Men appear in our Babble.on, Scramble, Ballyhoo! and 2by2 games.
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