- Deborah was a prophetess and leader of the Israelites. Her people had been harassed for 20 years by Jabin, King of the Canaanites, and Sisera, the commander of his army.
- This part of Deborah's story is found in Judges, chapter 4, verses 1 to 3.
- Deborah appears in our Babble.on and Bible Belles games, and would be a great answer in our Ballyhoo! game.
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- As a Judge, Deborah held court under a tree known as the Palm of Deborah. People would come from the surrounding countryside to have their disputes and arguments settled.
- This part of Deborah's story is found in Judges, chapter 4, verses 4 to 5.
- Trees are also found in the stories of Zacchaeus seeing over the crowd, Absalom's failed escape and Eve's temptation in the Garden of Eden.
- Trees appear in our 2by2 game.
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- Deborah summoned General Barak and told him to lead an army against the Canaanites. Barak refused to go without Deborah. Between them, they devised a clever plan that first trapped, then defeated, the Canaanite army (see David or Potiphar for images of soldier).
- This part of Deborah's story is found in Judges, chapter 4, verses 6 to 16 and verses 23 to 24.
- Swords are also found in the stories of Gideon's special army, Adam's and Eve's eviction from the Garden of Eden, David's spic battle with Goliath and John the Baptist's beheading.
- Swords appear in our Scramble game; and will appear in our Gory Story game.
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- Commander Sisera escaped the battlefield on foot and hid in Jael's tent. She offered him a drink of milk and a blanket. Then, while he slept, she hammered a tent peg through his head into the ground. With the Canaanite army destroyed, the Israelites had peace for 40 years.
- This part of Deborah's story is found in Judges, chapter 4, verses 16 to 22 and chapter 5, verses 24 to 27.
- Gruesome deaths are also found in the stories of the Royal Baker's deadly dream, Haman's foiled plot, Elisha's revenge on the cheeky children and Sheba's severed head.
- Blood appears in our Scramble and Numbers games.
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