- Daniel and his friends were among the young men selected to work for King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. They were from Judah, captured in their own country and forced to live in exile, far away from their home. Daniel and his friends did not want to eat the rich food supplied by the royal kitchen. Instead they decided to eat a healthier diet of vegetables and water.
- This part of Daniel's story is found in Daniel, chapter 1, verses 1 to 21.
- Daniel appears in our Babble.on, Ballyhoo!, 2by2 and Numbers games.
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Lions' den
- King Darius' wicked advisors knew that Daniel prayed to God (See Belshazzar for image of Darius). They tricked the king into making a new law that made it an offence to pray to anyone other than the king himself. Daniel was arrested and thrown into the lion's den to be eaten alive. The king was very upset about being tricked because he liked Daniel.
- This part of Daniel's story is found in Daniel, chapter 6, verses 1 to 16.
- Dens, caves and tombs are also found in the stories of Joshua's capture of the five kings, Jesus' healing of Legion and Jesus after the crucifixion.
- Dens, caves or tombs do not appear in any Lootro games yet but watch this space for more news.
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- A stone was placed over the entrance. The king sealed it with his signet ring so that no-one could get in or out (see Rebecca for image of ring); but God sent an angel to close the lions' mouths so that Daniel was not harmed.
- This part of Daniel's story is found in Daniel, chapter 6, verses 16 to 23.
- Powerful angels are also found in the stories of Adam's And Eve's eviction from the garden, Jacob's wrestling match and Zechariah's punishment.
- Angels appear in our Babble.on and Numbers games.
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- The next morning, the king rushed to the lion's den and discovered that Daniel had survived. Knowing that he had been tricked by his jealous advisors, King Darius ordered the advisors and their families to be thrown to the hungry lions.
- This part of Daniel's story is found in Daniel, chapter 6, verses 19 to 28.
- Lions are also found in the stories of Samson's riddle about honey, David's protection of his dad's sheep and Benaiah the warrior.
- Lions appear in our Ballyhoo!, 2by2 and Animal Scramble games.
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