The game about Bible people
The noisy naming game for people who love to babble on and on
Some Bible know-how needed so it's a great way of developing Bible characters and themes
Featuring 48 different Old and New Testamant characters
Age 8+
Players 2+
Babble·on rules
Each card contains the name of a Bible person, four related bits of information about them and Bible references. The facts are graded with the most difficult, or least known, fact first. Old Testament people are printed in red and New Testament people in purple. Divide players into teams and take turns in rotation. Starting from the top, read out the clues one by one while your team tries to guess the name of the person. Players may pass over any card during the game. If a player reveals a name or detail at the wrong time, the card must be replaced. The winner is the team to gain 10 cards or the most cards within an agreed time.
Babble·on tips
- Starting from the top of the card, award 4 points if the character is identified after the first clue, 3 points after the second clue, 2 after the third and a single point for the last clue. Remove 1 point if the player/team fails to identify the character.
- Read out the name and award 1 point for each clue identified
- Give clues to the identity of the person without revealing the name or any of the 4 related facts
- Each card contains a definition of the person's name. It does not form part of the game but is an interesting discussion starter. Award the card as a bonus to anyone with that name.